Wir bieten hier für das Rollenspiel Call of Cthulhu von Chaosium den (englischsprachigen) Hardcoverband Regency Cthulhu an.
Regency Cthulhu: Dark Designs in Jane Austen’s England is a historical sourcebook for Call of Cthulhu.
Regency England: a time of social niceties, grand balls, romantic intrigues, and disappointments – as described in the novels of Jane Austen. Through the lens of the Cthulhu Mythos, horrors weave themselves into the hearts of everyday Georgians – from the richest to the poorest.
Details and history of Regency-era England (1811-1820), that help bring this unique period to life at your tabletop. Included are new rules for creating special, Regency-era Investigators, along with new skills and occupations unique to this slice of history.
Explore the Regency-era with the new mechanic: Reputation. Measure the standing of your Investigator amongst others in high society, and watch it rise and fall as you play!
Uncover the dark secrets at the heart of the town of Tarryford: twisted horrors that have lain dormant for centuries now seek to burst forth into England. A detailed primer on Tarryford gives a beginning or seasoned Keeper everything they need to use the town as a setting for their Call of Cthulhu games in both 1813 and 1913.
Two scenarios designed to introduce players to the Regency-era take place in the town of Tarryford in the year 1813. The scenarios can be linked together, played as one-shots, or used as the foundation for a Regency-era campaign of your own design. Also included are detailed maps and player handouts, as well as 6 pre-generated Call of Cthulhu Investigators, and 6 Pulp Cthulhu Investigators.
Hardcover, vollfarbig, 224 Seiten.
Unsere Bewertung:
Cthulhu als grundsätzlich in allen Zeitaltern (und Orten) spielbares Horror-Rollenspiel erfährt mit diesem Band eine Erweiterung in die napoleonische Zeit – in England als Regency und kontinental als Empire bekannt. Schon mit dem Abenteuerband Schreckensherrschaft konnten wir uns dieser Zeit nähern; nun liegt mit diesem Band eine ausführliche Hintergrundbeschreibung für diese gar nicht so lang zurückliegende Zeit vor.
Der Band entspricht den neuen Standards – vollfarbig und mit Hinweisen u.a. zum alternierenden Pulp-Spiel.